Casey Crescenzo of The Dear Hunter | Indie Rock Photographer for Kerrang! Magazine

Casey Crescenzo in a cloud of pink smoke bomb fog

Casey Crescenzo of The Dear Hunter is a majorly talented guy, and last month I had the opportunity to photograph him for Kerrang!, a UK-based rock magazine. For an indie PNW vibe, we ran around in the forest for an hour with colorful smoke grenades, creating some reeeeeeally cool images. Casey was an awesome sport, powering through the eye-stinging, lung-clogging smoke with no complaints. All in all, it was a great way to spend an afternoon in Port Angeles.

These are some of my favorites from the day:

Casey Crescenzo of The Dear Hunter with smoke grenades | Port Angeles, WA photographer Meghann Prouse | www.photomegs.comThe Dear Hunter frontman, Casey Crescenzo, in the forest with smoke grenades, photographed for Kerrang! | PNW band photographer Meghann Prouse | www.photomegs.comCasey Crescenzo of The Dear Hunter with smoke grenades in Port Angeles, WA | Kerrang! Magazine photographer Meghann Prouse | www.photomegs.comCasey Crescenzo of The Dear Hunter, photographed with smoke grenades for Kerrang! Magazine | Port Angeles photographer Meghann Prouse |

The final product, published in the November 14, 2015 Kerrang! Magazine:
Kerrang! Magazine featuring photo of Casey Crescenzo from The Dear Hunter | PNW music photographer Meghann Prouse |

A BIG thank you goes to Casey Crescenzo / The Dear Hunter and Kerrang! Magazine for the wonderful opportunity to try something new. Making badass images with incredible people is truly magic.

– m

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