Eight Days a Week // August

Eight Days a Week is a photo project that was created to encourage its members to photograph the everyday stuff. Encompassing a variety of themes and styles, this monthly project will be a collection of personal images from a talented group of photographers across North America. We hope to not only inspire each other with our images, but also you, the viewer. At the end of the post, follow the fun to the next blog — enjoy!

We had really been putting it off.


I mean, we love fruit, but we’re no gardeners. With life happening in so many ways all at once (is it life? or juggling? I can’t tell most days), we had been avoiding picking the apples from our trees outside. On top of that, the Kiwi Berries will be ripe any day now, and juicy blackberries have been popping up all over.


But those apples kept falling to the ground, rolling around, and taunting me. On purpose. Did you know that apples have a thirst for shaming humans? I didn’t…until now. 


Having heard enough of the thuds, we finally made time to harvest. Of course, we discovered a lovely group of hornets nesting on our ladder; and because of our lack of apple tree upkeep, a bunch of the apples had been claimed as homes for pests. It didn’t matter though, because we had fun goofing around in our yard, looking for fruit treasures, and eating apple crisp for dessert. And breakfast the following morning.

I mean, apple crisp is practically oatmeal. Right??

Next, follow the blog circle to see Crystal Hardin’s contribution!

– m

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