
Eight Days a Week // September

Eight Days a Week is a photo project that was created to encourage its members to photograph the everyday stuff. Encompassing a variety of themes and styles, this monthly project will be a collection of personal images from a talented group of photographers across North America. We hope to not only inspire each other with our images, but also you, the viewer. At the end of the post, follow the fun to the next blog — enjoy!

The County Fair: a summer tradition! But maybe not forever.

Watching our baby move on from kiddie rides and graduate onto the big kid scary stuff has been a crazy thing. We’ve taken him to the fair every year since he was 1! But this year, Tuck seemed to enjoy it a little less. Being into technical things, this kid had a strong observation of the structural integrity of all the rides, and decided that he didn’t feel safe on most of them (you can totally see it on his face). I understand his fears because — c’mon — aren’t these the very same rides we frequented as kids?! It really doesn’t seem like many improvements or updates have been made in the last couple decades, and while I don’t like to dwell on that, it is totally worrisome.

We had a long talk about how life is all about balancing your choices to live the way that makes you happy; and that statistically, he’s more likely to be hurt in a bunch of other everyday ways. There will always be risk and danger, and so you have to make choices that help you feel satisfied with your life; even if you end up getting injured. He still had lots of fun, but decided that next year’s fair might not be a big deal to him because he’d rather spend his risk doing other adventurous stuff.

Man, they grow up so fast.

Kitsap County Fair ticket booths at sunset. Kids riding an old airplane ride at the Kitsap County Fair. Kitsap County Fair rides, with a dragon rollercoaster and spinning dragon ride. Lifestyle portraits at the county fair in summer. img_0596img_0607img_0615img_0617img_0624img_0632img_0638img_0641img_0645img_0646img_0674img_0728img_0711

Next, follow the blog circle to see Dani Vest’s contribution.

– m

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