Lifestyle Model Session for Woodwork Tattoo & Gallery | Jenn P.

Add another check to my portrait session bucket list, thanks to this one. Making art with other artists is one of my favorite things…ever.

This project involved working with my husband and our really good friends to make something so so cool that I literally cannot stop bragging about it (how’s that for honest?). Woodwork Tattoo & Gallery is the home to several talented tattoo artists who also make some of the raddest original wall art you’ll pretty much ever see. Serious talent surrounds these people…and they really needed a website.

So, my husband (web developer/blogger/assistant/trader/audio nerd/etc.) put the website together while I helped with the website copy. I also had the honor of photographing Jenn to showcase the five pieces of permanent art she has from Woodwork Tattoo. Check out their website to see how it looks all put together!

Woodsy tattoo portrait session in Silverdale, WA.Commercial portrait session, with tattooed girl in the forest, in Silverdale, WA. Tattoo portraits in the forest.Whimsical forest portraits, with girl holding a bouquet of white Button Mums.Woodsy commercial portrait session in Kitsap County, WA. Breathtaking woodsy portrait session in Silverdale, WA. Intricate tiger thigh tattoo in the PNW. Woodsy portraits in Silverdale, WA, with model standing in the forest. Howling wolf tattoo on upper thigh, at a woodsy portrait session. PNW portraits in the woods, with model covered in a southwestern blanket. Adventurous portraits in the woods, with dog and matching tattoo.Adorable dog in red bandana looks back, at a woodsy portrait session in Silverdale, WA.

PS: I love love love working with other creatives and small businesses. If you think we should work together, shoot me an email at!

– m

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