on silence // our different sameness

San Juan Island still waters at dusk, covered with fog

“When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.”
– Ansel Adams

Silence. It’s not just a lack of sounds or background noise, but an entire place of stillness.
And I visit it often.

True silence creates a haven within the mind and soul, and gives a feeling of wholeness…or maybe emptiness — sometimes the two intersect and I can’t tell them apart. Sometimes facing the silence is harder than filling your life with as many distractions as possible…but it always circles back to silence. It’s there — in every beginning, every middle, and every end. Embrace it.

friday harbor fogfriday harbor san juan islands fishing boats in fogcat paws peeking out of window silldreamy sunset silhouetteneah bay foggy tree shaded roadcrescent moon and clouds in neah bay

our different sameness is a project between a group of photographers celebrating our differences and sameness through images and words. Click the link and take a minute to see what the whole group came up with for this month’s theme! You can see my past contributions to the series here.

– m

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